Join with us.

Let's help someone to see the beautiful world with beautiful hearts.


Humanity is an ocean. The deeper the ocean, the clearer the water. Be the noblest good man among men. Always help others. Realize the depth of your humanity. 

Education to Every Child

We work for the education and health of the Poor Children. The Children are forced to provide their Labour for industries as a result of poverty. Just for their food. They are Subject to Various harassment in said industries. Consequently, they are refrained from having an education. Ignorance and poverty function as a circle. Education is a right of every child which is accepted worldwide. A Society that is uneducated can be dangerous and terrifying. The Children are Victimized not only as laborers but also to various sexual harassment. We appear to change it.

Empowering Women

Women represent the economical management of family. In the rural Society the woman has  enhanced responsibilities. Plan the family economy, looking after the children facilitate them, educate them are main responsibilities among others. In an uneducated society the woman has been cornered.  Less education, divided by race and religion cornered by Society has resulted the woman to be a trapped in a Social Stripe. But it is possible to utilize the power of this social strip which  will be a great victory. Not only the family economy but the whole society will be empowered. We take the woman to a higher elevation from her conventional character, empower her and guide her for basic rural economical development entry through the Social Communities.

Against Violence

Violence is most harmful thing the human race face. The Violence’s used based on religion, race, cast, tribe political opinion or social ambitions. The humans are mostly effected and its the Children and Woman who face this most common. Inter relationship between human beings  is the most powerful weapon against violence. We shall organized the Society against mental or physical violence.   

Our Mission

Poverty is most vulnerable disaster. It has invaded the world very fast. Worldwide most people suffer as a result of failing to fulfill the basic human needs such as foo, Shelter health. Society is subject to pressure neglection as a result of poverty. The Social problems has gone bad to worst. Detrioration of education, health paves the way to create more problems. To detect the poverty it is essential to function as a combination activity of all parties rather that of a desolate fight separately. We function to defeat poverty, through the creating of proper circumstances, guidance and making them powerful.

You can be a part of our mission

We believe that you have the ability to contribute for persons whose human rights have been Violated. You can be the God they pray. They are awaiting for your arrival, make it happen. Definitely you can do it.

Aiding the Children for their education

Providing Stationery and other School equipment for educational needs, ensure the educational rights of the Children of Poor and low income families. Providing vocational Training aiming the unemployed Youths Providing Vocational Training Courses for School leavers or youths who have given up education we provide loans, monetary aids to follow this trainings. We correspond with other institutes when necessary.

Provide Vocational Training aiming the unemployed youths.

Providing vocational training, aiming the unemployed youths who completed their school education or couldn’t complete their education. They are given with loans or monetary aids to continue with those employments. When necessary, in combination with other institutions, we perform thee needful.

Provide women Training for Self-employment.

Provided training and guidance for woman to economically support the main earner of the family and to gain money using the leisure time. The objective is to enable the woman to contribute for the decision making process of the family.

Social Health up grading and provide nutrition necessities for woman.

We constantly educate the Precaution measures to be taken to prevent from communicable and non-communicable deceases. We obtain the support of the Public Health officers for this purpose. We identify the nutrition needs of mothers and Children and fulfill them. .

Acknowledge the Society for the Protection of Peace and Harmony.

Conflicts between mankind has risen as a result of provoking the poverty to accomplish some groups ambitions. It prevent development. Peace and Harmony sprung by various means change timely. We take steps to create Social Equity through community based activities.

Community saving and Loan process

Investment play a key role in contributing the rural woman to the economical process. Women organized as small groups begin investment through savings, develop it to provide micro customer loans. Later it may be developed to provide loans for self-employment as guided by us. In these methods the investment ability of these groups improve and the poor families gradually strengthen the economy.

1200 +

Individuals were supported

1200 +

Projects were successfully implemented

0 K+

Members Worldwide

Rs. 1200 M+

Funds Raised

Connect with us

Address: Arunella Foundation , No 78/A, Ananda Rajakaruna Avenue, Urawattha, Ambalangoda, Sri Lanka.


Tep : +94 777 454 441

Whatsapp : +94 777 454 44

To Know More

Documentary of Arunella Foundation

Here’s a short video of our story and how we were able to make thousands of Sri Lankans Happy!

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